At least 77% of students at the University of the Witwatersrand have indicated that they want to return to class on Monday.

The university asked students and staff to participate in a poll on Thursday to share their views on whether they wanted the academic programme to proceed or not if there was appropriate security in place.

Ongoing students protests over demands for fee-free education forced the university to shut down.

Wits spokesperson Shirona Patel said they were still waiting for auditors from SizweNtsalubaGobodo to verify the staff poll.

“The results of the poll as well as feedback from parents, alumni and other stakeholders will inform management’s decision-making. Management will also reach out to the student leadership, unions and other stakeholders to engage on a way forward.”

She said a decision on whether the university will re-open on Monday will be communicated to students and staff via the official university communication channels this weekend.
