Alcatel-Lucent will provide the Senegalese Ministry of Health and partners with the MNC technological platform mBox as part of the m-Diabetes initiative, which seeks to create awareness among patients and train medical professionals.

The mBox will be responsible for coordinating the SaaS platform and SAP mobile services for the pilot application of “m-Diabetes”, which will be used for mobile services like SMS messages or other applications for widely distributing messages to be used for raising awareness and providing training for people with diabetes who have been identified by the National Centre for Combating Diabetes.

“We are convinced of the value of this project for improving the conditions for diabetes patients in Senegal and are genuinely delighted to be involved as a technological partner in contributing to the success of the m-Diabetes project, which aims to improve prevention, raise awareness and combat diabetes and non-transmissible diseases in Senegal. This is an ambitious initiative which could ultimately be replicated in other countries in the fight against diabetes or any other disease,” said Alpin Verlet, managing director of Alcatel-Lucent for West and Central Africa.

The m-Diabetes project in Senegal is one of the larger m-health projects Alcatel-Lucent is involved in. It aims at combating diabetes with an ambitious and innovative campaign based on mobile technology.

“Senegal is ready for this m-Diabetes project which is in a way a natural extension of the e-Diabetes program developed by UNFM. Since 2009, it has helped to establish strong ties of cooperation between France and Senegal around diabetes and new technologies,” said Dr Kleinebreil, vice-president of the UNFM (Université Numérique Francophone Mondiale) – an NGO specialized in using ICTs for education in Africa.

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