Former North West ANC chairperson Supra Mahumapelo and four others have lost yet another court bid to give back power to his provincial executive committee.

The aggrieved members went to the Johannesburg high court in an attempt to halt a provincial list conference from going ahead.

They also attempted to prevent the current interim provincial task team from presiding over the process.

The list conference is expected to consolidate the nominations from branch general meetings across provinces ahead of the 2019 national elections.

ANC branches have been undergoing branch general meetings to nominate members to deploy to the National Assembly and provincial legislatures.

Matter not urgent

On Tuesday, Mahumapelo’s legal team, led by advocate Dali Mpofu SC, argued that the matter was urgent.

But Judge Colin Lamont gave Mpofu a tough time, saying he did not provide facts to back his client’s allegations.

Lamont did not view the matter as urgent.

He reserved the costs portion of the application until January when the main matter is expected to be heard.

Two weeks ago, Mahumapelo’s bid to have a national executive committee decision to disband his PEC overturned was kicked out after Judge Seun Moshidialso found that it was not urgent.

The court found the former provincial leader abused court processes by joining the matter just days before it was due to be heard.
