Liberian telecoms company Cellcom has launched the first self care portal for GSM subscribers in the country, saying the portal will be accessible from today.

The portal allows Cellcom customers to perform a wide range of functions and makes vital information easily accessible.

Cellcom chief executive officer John Vasikaran said: “We noticed that there are many customers, who want an easy option to manage their accounts, load credits, buy packages and perform other basic tasks without needing to come to a Cellcom store or call customer service. This application is designed to put this control in the hands of our subscribers in a convenient and user-friendly medium.”

He said the portal is free to use from a smartphone or web browser and through the “My Cellcom” tab.

Corporate communications strategist Kimmie Weeks said: “We choose not to charge for this service because we believe it is our duty to provide these basic services to our customers and now that we’ve developed Liberia’s fastest and best network, the question we ask ourselves daily is what can we do to build the services that add more value for our customers.”