Facebook is the most popular social media site in Kenya with 3.8 million users, according to a report by Digital Rand, which ranked LinkedIn in second position with 1 million users and Twitter third with 650,000.

According to the report, Orange Kenya is the account with the most Facebook likes (6,973,721), followed by KTN (1,345,256), NTV (1,219,434), and Safaricom (840,530).

“The highest growth of Twitter in Kenya was witnessed in 2013 with close to 100k users signing up. This trend may have been spurred by politics of the day, which saw numerous politicians get online and campaign via social media,” read part of the report.

The first Kenyan to join twitter was @kamuiri, registered on March 28, 2007, followed by @kenyamoto and @Sonnimuriuki. The report said about four million Kenyans use social media in their day to day activities.

“Kenyans on Twitter cumulatively command a following of 120,199,588 followers and cumulatively follow 49,539,705,” the report said.

Nairobi takes the bulk of Kenyans at 74 percent and those in the diaspora stand at 11 per cent.

The report estimates there have been 300 million Tweets so far, and predicts 50,000 more users will sign up by the end of the year, Kenyans On Twitter (KOT) will have posted 570 million Tweets by the close of 2014 and, as the number of websites and blogs increase, more links will be shared.

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