Former correctional services commissioner Linda Mti was flown up from the Eastern Cape to make an appearance at the Specialised Commercial Crimes Court in Pretoria on Thursday after he handed himself over to the police.

According to media reports, Mti handed himself over to the police, which meant that the state did not have any reason to oppose his bail. Bail was set at R20 000

Mti is accused of contravening the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and also faces one count of corruption.

His successful bail application follows the arrest of former Bosasa officials Angelo Agrizzi, Andries van Tonder and Frans Vorster.

READ MORE: Bosasa arrests: Hawks act on decade-old SIU report

The accused on Wednesday were each granted R20 000 bail and the former Bosasa officials, in addition to Mti, are expected to appear in court in March 2019.
