Organisers of Lagos EMC Forum today announced Patricia Florissi, Vice President, Global chief technology officer (CTO) for Sales, EMC Corporation, will deliver a keynote address at the Lagos EMC Forum holding next time in Lagos, Nigeria.

Organisers said Florissi will be at the event talking to attendees about topics that will help them to redefine IT and business in their organisation.

A newsletter sent to prospective attendees revealed Patricia helps define mid and long term technology strategy, representing the needs of the broader EMC ecosystem in EMC strategic initiatives. She also acts as the liaison between EMC and its customers and partners, to foster stronger alliances and deliver higher value to EMC clientele.

“Patricia is the creator, author, narrator, and graphical influencer of the educational video series EMC Big Ideas, on emerging technologies and trends,” organisers said.

The goal this year according to the organisers is to give participants the knowledge they need to thrive in the new era of IT, the era of the “3rd platform”.

“[It] will offer you an even bigger opportunity to share your views and influence the community. We’ll also be keeping you on top of your game – by bringing you up to speed with this year’s must have addition to your workplace,” organisers said.