RLG has officially launched its latest smartphone product, saying it is in line with the company’s goal of being the leader in the industry.

The Uhuru Classic, according to the company, has a lightweight size and a heavyweight style. It has an Android 4.2.1 operating system, front 2.0MP and rear 8.0MP cameras, as well as a 4.7 HD LCD 09 display, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS connectivity, 10.4GB ROM, and 1GB RAM.

Users can have their names engraved on the device when they pre-order from RLG’s website.

Alex Lu, global head of RLG, said: “A personalized mobile device should guarantee the privacy of its owner, which includes watching what you want when you want, where you want, without prying eyes. That is the very essence of limitless freedom which is granted by this latest device.”